
The ANEMOS.plus project aims at bringing to the daily practice of key end-users (such as TSOs, Utilities, Independent Power Producers, Energy Traders) advanced tools in order to help them managing wind power in an optimal way. Demonstration cases with already high wind penetration are selected in order to prove the viability of the proposed solutions in a realistic environment. The scientific & technical objectives of the project include :

  1. Enhanced Reliability, Ergonomy and Monitoring in Wind Power Forecasting Tools
  2. Operational Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasts
  3. Demonstration of New Operational Tools for Intelligent Power System Scheduling
  4. Advanced Tools for Managing Secondary and Tertiary Reserves
  5. Congestion Management in Large Power Systems as well as Local Grids
  6. Decision Making Tools for Optimal Trading of Wind Power in Electricity Markets
  7. Implement Tools for Optimal Coordination of Storage Options and Wind Power
  8. An efficient methodology & advanced monitoring tools to quantify the benefits from large-scale wind integration

The added value of the project compared to the state of the art is shown pictorially in the figure below. The project will contribute by making wind power forecasting solutions more robust. New generation probabilistic wind power forecasting models will be developed. The project will propose advanced tools for optimal power system management and wind power trading that fully integrate wind power forecasts and their uncertainties. The benefits from the application of the new approaches will be demonstrated on a number of test cases with a substantial level of wind integration.


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A European Specific Targeted Research Project Funded Under the EU's Sixth Framework Progamme (FP6). Priority 6.1-Sustainable Energy Systems.

Contract N° 038692

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ANEMOS.plus is a project of the ANEMOS Consortium.

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