Workshop 29/6/2011, Paris
Download Proceedings with all presentations (Part A, Part B, Part C) |
Final Programme and Presentations |
- Introduction
George Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech/ARMINES, France) - Industry requirements for wind integration in Europe and worldwide
Mark O'Malley (University College of Dublin, Ireland) - Overview of research activities & priorities in wind power integration - view of TPWind, IEA
Hannele Holttinen (VTT, Finland). - European research in wind power forecasting. The objectives of the and SafeWind projects.
George Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech, France)
Advanced Wind Power Forecasting Tools |
- What's new with European-funded research on wind power forecasting?
Pierre Pinson (Danish Technical University, Denmark) - The ANEMOS wind power forecasting system
Igor Wald (Overspeed, Germany)
Integration tools for TSOs and DSOs |
- Solutions for reserves estimation, Demonstration at REN
Ricardo Bessa (INESC Porto, Portugal) - Stochastic scheduling: the experience of Ireland [EIRGRID/SONI]
Peter. Meibom (RISOE DTU, Denmark) - Solutions for congestion management at EWE
U. Focken (energy & meteo systems, Germany) - Congestion and Voltage Violation Detection using Localized Wind Power Forecasts(Demonstration at REN)
Ricardo Bessa (INESC Porto, Portugal)
Integration tools for IPPs and Utilities; |
- Wind-Storage Coordination in Electricity Markets: the case of Portugal
E. Castuonovo (university Carlos III Madrid, Spain), Jesus Lugaro (MINES-ParisTech, France) - Solutions for Optimal Trading of Wind Energy - Evaluation results for the demo case at EWE
U. Focken (energy & meteo systems, Germany) - Solutions for Trading DONG Energy - Evaluation results and highlights
T.S. Nielsen (ENFOR SA, Denmark)
Integration tools with focus on Islands; |
- The More-Care Energy Management System - Case at PPC-Crete
A. Dimeas (ICCS/National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Round table – “Future challenges in wind power integration” |
Chairs: G. Giebel (RISOE DTU), G. Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech)
Participants: U. Focken (energy & meteo systems, Germany), H. Holttinen (VTT, Finland),M. Matos (INESC, Portugal), M. O’Malley (UCD, Ireland), R. Pestana (REN, Portugal), P. Pinson (DTU IMM, Denmark)
- project: summary of evaluation results, learnings and highlights.
- Challenges at EU and international scale
- The success story of Portugal
- Discussion
- EU-funded activities : R&D in Wind Energy,
Thierry Langlois d'Estaintot, European Commission.